Friday, March 4, 2011

Geoglyphs in California - Tribal Concerns and Actions

An interesting article concerning the preservation of Geoglyphs in California.

Native American groups sue to stop solar projects
The Associated Press
Sunday, Feb. 27, 2011 12:26 p.m.

Native Americans are clashing with the federal government over plans to fast-track approval and construction of massive solar energy projects that the Indians fear will harm sacred and culturally significant sites in Western deserts.
Recent lawsuits by two native groups pose a threat to half dozen proposed solar developments that the Obama administration has identified as a high priority in its quest for more clean energy production. One suit already has halted work on a major solar farm in Southern California.
Land use and legal experts say the lawsuits mark a new phase in a historically troubled relationship between the federal Bureau of Land Management and American Indians, who in the past have gone to court to block oil, gas, mining and other energy projects on public lands managed by the agency.
"There is this sense that there is this rush to renewable energy that's politically motivated and when tribes are consulted their concerns aren't being taken seriously," said Michelle Raheja, interim director of the California Center for Native Nations. "There's no guarantee that once the project starts that they won't harm something."
President Barack Obama's goal of generating 80 percent of the nation's electricity from clean energy sources by 2035 has led to numerous projects proposed on millions of acres of federally owned lands, most in Western states. The administration has put some of the most promising, shovel-ready projects on the fast track for BLM permitting, although the process still could take years of environmental studies and public scrutiny.
Federal officials say they have consulted with multiple tribes and have either made sure the massive solar projects will not harm any historic works or have determined that certain sites are not worthy of protecting.
"The BLM takes very seriously its responsibilities to ensure that these projects are sited and developed in the right way and in the right places, and that we honor our responsibilities to Indian nations and the law," said Kendra Barkoff, a Department of the Interior spokeswoman, who could not comment specifically on the suits because they are active litigation.
Dave Singleton with the California Native American Heritage Commission, which advises local, state and federal agencies on issues involving indigenous communities, said he's heard from at least 10 tribes in the Colorado River area concerned about various renewable projects. The problem is in part cultural: while a site may not be registered as historic, some tribal leaders say they know it's sacred because of oral history accounts.
"The tribes are saying you've consulted us, we've identified sites and you're saying it doesn't matter," Singleton said. "There's a rising anger that they're being treated with disrespect."
While the concept of using renewable sources of energy such as sunshine aligns with nature-based principles that have historically guided Native communities, members say the projects are simply in the wrong place. Some of 56,000 acres proposed for fast track solar projects in California are near abandoned villages, native drawings and other cultural landmarks.
Southern California, for example, has one of the most significant collections of geoglyphs in the world. In order to communicate with their ancestors, certain tribes created drawings, some as big as football fields, by scraping the dark gravel back to reveal pale dirt below. The wide lines of the drawings were often used for ceremonial dancing.
"There's plenty of desert out there to build solar panels," said Boma Johnson, a former archaeologist who worked for the BLM in Yuma for 25 years studying the drawings. "We have something in the Southwestern desert not matched almost anywhere in the world except southern Peru and northern Chile. We really have a national treasure here in this lost area."
Alfredo Figueroa, whose group La Cuna de Aztlan Sacred Sites Protection Circle filed three lawsuits last month against five fast-tracked projects including a 1,000 megawatt project in Blythe, said the government is not giving their concerns as much weight as is given to federal archeologists.
Where Figueroa sees an ancient throne in a pile of rocks and a thousand-year-old flute player carved into the desert floor, for example, federal experts see something less profound. BLM archeologists believe the flute player and so-called Throne of Quetsequatle are less than 50 years old, with modern concrete used in the throne's construction.
Despite the suit to stop Solar Millennium's proposed 7,000 acre project in Blythe, the plan is moving forward, said Andrea Elliott, a company spokeswoman. She said the footprint of the solar farm had been shifted many times to address tribal and environmental concerns, and note she noted that no federally recognized tribes have joined La Cuna's suit.
"Native American representatives from area tribes have been, and will continue to be, present on site to monitor activities involving cultural resources during project construction," Solar Millennium said in a statement.
About 100 miles to the southwest, the Quechan tribe got an injunction in December against the Imperial Valley Solar project planned on 6,000 acres of public land near the Mexican border. Preston J. Arrow-weed, a tribal leader, said that despite this victory the fast-track projects are advancing so quickly they are "hitting us from everywhere.
"They seem to want to do it at the price of destroying our history," said Arrow-weed. "It's an assault. They've already wiped out a lot of things and now they want to wipe out the desert and any evidence of our past."
Tribes seeking injunctions against projects on federal lands often do not get far, so when a judge does issue an injunction it is indicative of a serious issue, said Patrick Parenteau, an environmental law professor at Vermont Law School's Natural Resources Law Clinic.
"BLM should be doing more to reach out to the tribes and understand the areas they're permitting these projects in and what artifacts might be there and what oral traditions exist," said Parenteau, who tracks the lawsuits filed by tribes. "There is some value to be gained from this."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Edge of Cedars Museum, Blanding, Utah

Edge of Cedars Museum

Many of you who have explored in the Bluff or Blanding area of SE Utah have appreciated a visit to the Edge of Cedars Museum. The following is the essence of a note from Lawrence Guyman and Rebecca Stoneman.

“…we learned about the potential closure of several of Utah's Heritage Parks. Included on the list of five possible closures is the Edge of the Cedars. If you have enjoyed the Edge of the Cedars and find value in our mission, our programs, exhibits, and educational outreach, please consider contacting Senator Hinkins in this regard. Please feel free to share this information via your social networking contacts.

Some of us living in other parts of Utah, have a different representative in the government and they should be contacted. Those from SW Utah will hear from me today. I encourage you to do the same.


Jon Gum, Coalition to Preserve Rock Art
Ebooks now available: WY: Alien Ridge, Legend Rock

Gold Butte, NV Protection

Gold Butte

The attached article from Mesquite discussing Gold Butte and protection is interesting.

To some of us this statement is important:

“It’s not this local community that needs educating about their own backyard. Most of the stuff I’ve been able to fine people for has been done by people from Las Vegas, and from other parts of the United States.”

Previously it was stated in the article that “the majority of the damage is caused by graffiti and off-highway vehicles.”

It would appear that the Las Vegas BLM should have a very active program on education –

OHV exploring groups in Las Vegas, SW Utah, NW Arizona and other areas. The first time I hear of one being held I will try to attend.

Youth groups or those most likely to leave graffiti. This statement coupled with the recent damage in Red Rock, Las Vegas define the need for such a program.

Like most situations today, the authorities find it easy to identify blame, but only reluctantly suggest programs to solve the problem.

Some of you have influence with Las Vegas BLM from working in their Site Steward program, and we would appreciate your involvement with BLM on these issues.


Jon Gum, Coalition to Preserve Rock Art
Ebooks now available: AZ: Chloride, Snake Gulch, Willow Springs, Muuputs Canyon, Sears Point, Little Black Mountain -- NM: Crow Canyon, Hummingbird Canyon -- UT: Capitol Reef, Quitchupah

Pipe Springs National Monument March 2011

Roughly twice a year, Pipe Springs National Monument and the Kaibab Paiute tribe devote a considerable amount of time and energy on Presentations regarding the Native American culture.

Those who enjoy Native American Pottery will experience a nice presentation by one of SW Utah's Pottery experts.

The Rock Art tour features two very nice sites, and a third that is distant and can only be reviewed with binoculars or long telephoto lens.

The presentations also include quite a few insights into the Native American culture and the crafts necessary for survival, health, and comfort.

Many of you have enjoyed your visits in previous years to Pipe Springs and I believe this year will be a good outing also.

Please review the attached, and let Amber Van Alfen know of any questions.


For a statewide list of Archaeology Exhibits in Arizona during the Month of March, see:


Jon Gum, Coalition to Preserve Rock Art
Ebooks now available: AZ: Chloride, Snake Gulch, Willow Springs, Muuputs Canyon, Sears Point, Little Black Mountain -- NM: Crow Canyon, Hummingbird Canyon -- UT: Capitol Reef, Quitchupah

BCR - Impressive Rock Art - Petroglyphs

Last week we visited a site that offers very nice Rock Art, a site that is truly memorable .

Picture is also included above.

A Mystery Panel - Petroglyphs Pictographs

Yesterday we were fortunate to visit three panels -

A Panel with 2 elk see Petroglyph

And a Mystery Panel see and the picture included Petroglyph

If you have an idea of the meaning of the Mystery Panel petroglyph, please contact me at Let's discuss it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Rock Art Calendar - Art

The 2011 Rock Art Calendar, Art is excellent

- outstanding photography, nice design, and superb printing.

Al and Barb Matheson have produced the 2011 Art

Calendar and it is for sale by contacting or
Al Matheson at 435-586-9762.

This will make a nice addition to your collection of Rock Art memories.

The 8" x 11" calendar features a lot of "white space" so that you can

easily add your appointment data.

2011 Rock Art Calendar by Al Matheson is offering the 2011 Rock Art calendar produced by Al and Barb Matheson for sale. The photography, design, and printing of this calendar is outstanding.

The 26-page calendar is in an 8 1/2" by 11" format leaving a large space to write in appointments. This is a calendar that you will want to save for the Rock Art pictures.

To purchase, please contact or Al Matheson at 435-586-9762.