Tuesday, August 7, 2007

www.exploringrockart.com - July 2007


August 7, 2007

In July of 2007, www.exploringrockart.com visited the following archaeological sites to explore Rock Art to present in this website:

Above the Virgin

Three River

Shooting Gallery

Manysheep 2

Mt. Irish Rockpile

Mt. Irish Triad 1-2-3-4

Black Point - West

Mt. Irish - Multiple Sites

Crystal Wash

Ash Springs

Delamar - Multiple Sites

Stone Cliff 1 and 2

Hurricane Rock


Witch Pool

Paiute Cave


Algar Wash

DV Black Ridge

Pine Valley


Monday, July 30, 2007

Visits of July 25, 2007

On July 25, http://www.exploringrockart.com/ visited the following sites:

Algar Wash
Diamond Valley (DV) Black Ridge
Pine Valley

All sites are Petroglyph sites (no Pictographs were found) and the sites are located north of St. George, Utah off of Highway 18.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

During June 2007 we visited:

July 5, 2007

In June of 2007,
www.exploringrockart.com visited the following archaeological sites to roexplore Rock Art to present on www.exploringrockart.com:

Gunlock Multiple Sites, UT

Fremont Wash, UT

Manderfield, UT

Manderfield 2, UT

Little Creek, UT

Anasazi Hill, UT

Black Point, NV - East and West

Mt. Irish, NV - Multiple Sites

Crystal Wash, NV

Ash Springs, NV

Delamar, NV - Multiple Sites

Exploring Rock Art

is a valuable resource for parties interested in Southwest Rock Art. We try to show at least one photo from every Rock Art site visited, and have others available on a CD.
Exploring Rock Art does not provide location instructions (either gps or road and hiking) for non-public sites. We do provide the location instructions for many of the public sites.
Besides a review of sites and their Rock Art content, we will be offering a large amount of information regarding Rock Art styles, history, and our review of appropriate books on the subject.
Stay tuned for a record of our current visitations. There might be something that you are interested in and you can find more at http://www.exploringrockart.com/
Exploring Rock Art