Friday, February 7, 2014

Dinwoody Lake Wyoming Rock Art - Ebook from

We do not provide  directions to the Dinwoody Lake site in Southwest Wyoming which is well known and frequently visited. Roughly over a mile hike and 3-4 hours visitation time. The site can be viewed leisurely and the parking area includes sufficient space for a picnic lunch.

The Site is located on Reservation Land and visitors are required to visit Dubois or other retail stores in the local area and obtain a Fishing License for a days visit.  In the summer of 2013, the cost was about $30.00 each.

The Ebook has 55 pages of petroglyph images. If you desire to visit, do your homework (published offline and online information, topo maps, etc.) on the site and visit a BLM office in Wyoming. They might help you but published information will probably be sufficient, and some information can be obtained from the store where you purchase the mandatory Fishing License.

The Ebook is designed to inform:

A researcher, photographer, artist, or writer who wants to preview the site before a planned visitation to examine the Rock Art to be seen and determine that the site fits the Research Plan and Objectives.

Interested advocates who want to review the book prior to visitation to make sure the Rock Art at the site will be interesting to them.

If time is of essence, as on a vacation or a weekend, the more interesting sites can be visited, saving the other sites until later when more time might be available.

The Rock Art advocate whose objective is to “see all the sites” can use the Ebook to allocate their time to the most interesting sites and to the most interesting areas of a particular site.

And finally, the visitor who does not photograph or who visited with a malfunctioning camera, can obtain a permanent record of the site for their use.

From my viewpoint, the Ebook serves as a personal recording (digital photo) of the site. This recording will likely outlast me and serves as a forum to discuss the site attributes with researchers, scholars, and interested Rock Art advocates who desire more information.

If you wish more information, review or contact us at

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